PayU-Handled 3DS Authentication

PayU-handled 3DS authentication prevents the need for you to manage the 3DS integration process. PayU takes care of everything, from communicating with the issuing bank to handling the authentication flow.

Using PayU 3DS Authentication

To enable 3DS authentication, merchants must be registered to this service with PayU. Once registered, you can add a new parameter called req3DSAuthentication in your payment requests via PayU’s Payments API.

The req3DSAuthentication Parameter

This parameter allows you to control whether 3DS authentication is required for each transaction. It accepts two values:

  • "true": Enforces 3DS authentication for the transaction.
  • "false": Disables 3DS authentication for the transaction.

If req3DSAuthentication is not included, PayU will decide whether to perform 3DS authentication based on its own risk assessment.

Request Example

In the request example below, the req3DSAuthentication is set true:

Request Example:

    "language": "en",
    "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
    "merchant": {
        "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
        "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
    "transaction": {
        "order": {
            "language": "en",
            "signature": "8b9abb9dcae76d331e4493a559e8a76a0a9296e6944d460303d5639d9230c485",
            "accountId": "512321",
            "description": "PayULatamAPI|Test|CO|COL",
            "referenceCode": "REFERENCIA_PRUEBA_12345",
            "notifyUrl": "",
            "buyer": {
                "merchantBuyerId": "Merchant_Buyer_ID_123",
                "fullName": "John Doe",
                "emailAddress": "",
                "contactPhone": "3155555555",
                "dniType": "CC",
                "dniNumber": "123456789",
                "shippingAddress": {
                    "country": "CO",
                    "state": "DC",
                    "city": "Bogotá",
                    "postalCode": "110111",
                    "street1": "Calle 100",
                    "street2": "Cra 9",
                    "phone": "6011234567"
            "shippingAddress": {
                "country": "CO",
                "state": "DC",
                "city": "Bogotá",
                "postalCode": "110111",
                "street1": "Calle 100",
                "street2": "Cra 9",
                "phone": "6011234567"
            "additionalValues": {
                "TX_VALUE": {
                    "value": "100",
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX": {
                    "value": "0",
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                    "value": "0",
                    "currency": "COP"
        "payer": {
            "merchantPayerId": "Merchant_Payer_ID_123",
            "fullName": "John Doe",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "contactPhone": "3155555555",
            "dniType": "CC",
            "dniNumber": "123456789",
            "billingAddress": {
                "country": "CO",
                "state": "DC",
                "city": "Bogotá",
                "postalCode": "110111",
                "street1": "Calle 100",
                "street2": "Cra 9",
                "phone": "6011234567"
        "creditCard": {
            "name": "APPROVED",
            "number": "5570898637920584",
            "expirationDate": "2025/12",
            "securityCode": "777",
            "processWithoutCvv2": false
        "extraParameters": {
            "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": 1,
            "RESPONSE_URL": ""
        "paymentMethod": "MASTERCARD",
        "paymentCountry": "CO",
        "ipAddress": "",
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0) AppleWebKit/531.2.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.885.0 Safari/531.2.0",
        "cookie": "sefejihsxeai037qhkwa3jex9",
        "deviceSessionId": "cb066830a3dcbdaf7234fd230d1959b0c6b3ae3ad5265490d55802a61738b537",
        "integrationMethod": "POST_API_v4_0",
        "req3DSAuthentication": "true",
        "source": "WEB"  
    "test": false

Request Example:

        <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0.7</userAgent>
            <referenceCode>Postman|UniqueReference|10/24/2024, 2:09:07 PM</referenceCode>
                <fullName>May Wehner</fullName>
                    <street1>93357 Damian Ports</street1>
                    <street2>786 Jordyn Spurs</street2>
                <street1>988 Steve Burg</street1>
                <street2>48419 Schimmel Springs</street2>
            <fullName>Marguerite Koss</fullName>
                <street1>46217 Nikolaus Mills</street1>
                <street2>28333 Webster Islands</street2>

Testing the 3DS Authentication

To test the 3DS authentication process, use the dummy values provided in the table below. These values are applicable across the different payment methods available in each country:

Account ID 516684 516685 516686 516687 516688
Merchant ID 508029
API Login pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u
API Key 4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA
Public Key PKaC6H4cEDJD919n705L544kSU

Transaction Response and Authentication Flow

Upon sending a payment request, you will receive a response with a "PENDING" state for the transaction. This response will also include a field within extraParameters called THREEDS_AUTH_REDIRECT_URL.

  • THREEDS_AUTH_REDIRECT_URL: This URL should be used to redirect the payer to complete the 3DS authentication process. The authentication process might involve challenges like entering a one-time password (OTP) received on their phone.

The diagram below illustrates the end-to-end process of a transaction using PayU 3DS authentication, highlighting key steps such as request submission, authentication, and response handling.


Response Example

In the response example below, the merchant redirects the payer to

Response Example:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "transactionResponse": {
        "orderId": 3344440141,
        "transactionId": "968d3f37-25aa-4fc2-86bf-0a2eee091713",
        "state": "PENDING",
        "paymentNetworkResponseCode": null,
        "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
        "trazabilityCode": null,
        "authorizationCode": null,
        "pendingReason": "AWAITING_THREEDS_CALLBACK",
        "responseCode": "PENDING_THREEDS_CALLBACK",
        "errorCode": null,
        "responseMessage": null,
        "transactionDate": null,
        "transactionTime": null,
        "operationDate": 1723749925205,
        "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
        "extraParameters": {
        "additionalInfo": {
            "paymentNetwork": "CREDIBANCO_V2",
            "rejectionType": "NONE",
            "responseNetworkMessage": null,
            "travelAgencyAuthorizationCode": null,
            "cardType": "CREDIT",
            "transactionType": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE"

Response Example:


After Authentication

As shown in the diagram from the section above, once the payer completes the 3DS authentication (if required), PayU will receive a notification. The transaction will then be:

  • Completed: If the authentication is successful.
  • Declined: If the authentication fails.

Redirection After Authentication

Following the payer’s redirection from the THREEDS_AUTH_REDIRECT_URL, they will be directed to:

  • PayU Checkout transaction status page: By default, this is the behavior if the merchant hasn’t specified a custom return URL.
  • Merchant’s custom return URL: If provided, the payer will be redirected to the merchant’s designated page after authentication.
Last modified January 23, 2025: Documentation Updates (02e6e6678)